The Scholarships sponsored by the Old Boys Union from its fundraising can make a real difference to the recipient boys and their families as seen from this thank you letter received by the Old Boys’ Union and Brother Patrick, then Principal of Parramatta Marist High.

The following are testimonials from former students of Parramatta Marist High about how their education at the school has changed their lives.
Mark Bainey (Class of 2011)
CEO Capio Property Group
I greatly appreciated the opportunities I had to learn and develop my skills at Parramatta Marist. I was fortunate but many of my peers and their families struggled. So, if I can assist them to focus more on their studies and worry less they can truly go forth with strength. Accordingly, the Mark Bainey Bursary was established with the aim to provide financial assistance for students of Parramatta Marist who may be suffering from hardship.

Gaby Elsusu (Class of 2011)
Chartered Accountant – Senior Manager Ernst & Young
PMHS provided me with a headstart into the working world through the advantages of PBL. These skills and attributes of teaming, communications and leadership are just a few of the numerous distinguishing characteristics embedded throughout education at PMHS under the new and modernised style of teaching. The value of an education at PMHS goes far beyond textbooks and school life playing a vital role in shaping the foundations of my university studies and future career prospects.

Toby (Taleb) Nasr (Class of 1992)
General Practitioner with over 20 years of experience.
I feel fortunate to have received a quality education at Parramatta Marist as this set the foundation for my tertiary studies and medical career. The combination of dedicated teachers, a supportive learning environment, a strong Catholic upbringing reinforced by the Marist Charism, and the significant sacrifices my parents made, have forged a lasting impression in my life.
I truly am indebted to Parramatta Marist and the OBU Scholarship Fund is one way I feel I can help make a difference in the lives of current students. For me, it is an acknowledgement of what faith and education can achieve and an expression of appreciation for the opportunities that Parramatta Marist created for me. It is extremely humbling and powerfully uplifting to know that in some way you are continuing a great tradition and helping other young men go forth with strength and pride

Mark Procajlo (Class of 1976)
A lawyer with over 35 years of experience in commercial law.
I am one of three brothers, one of whom is an ex Marist Brother, and I have five brothers-in-law. All eight of us were educated at Parramatta Marist High. Despite the occasional and, for some of us, regular canings back in those days, each of us has very fond memories of our time at the School.
The Marist ethos of giving each student his chance to show what he can do – whether it be academically or at sport – is very evident now as it was then. I’m very grateful for the chances I received and for the significant role the School played in my development.
The Old Boys Scholarship Fund presents an opportunity to give back. I am happy to support the Fund as an expression of my appreciation for what the School did for me and because of how the Fund can make a difference in the lives of both current and future students.

Robin Connelly (Class of 1955)
Teacher in State high schools and TAFE for over twenty-two years
The school had a proud spirit – we were competitive in the sporting field, in athletics, in swimming, in cricket and Rugby League. Academic excellence was encouraged, school and government scholarships were worked for, class prizes were awarded. I am proud to have been one of the class of 1955 in which all 35 members were awarded the Leaving Certificate and twelve, I think, were awarded Commonwealth Scholarships to universities. The Brothers taught us perseverance, honesty, politeness, to think of others, to show respect for others, especially women and girls and to not seek riches at the expense of all else in life.